Dr. Katie: Pet Vet on Wheels
Mobile Vet Services in Southern MN (507)-995-1505 drkatiepetvet@gmail.com
"We Bring Quality Vet Services to You!"
Dr. Katie is certified to do many specialized orthopedic surgeries and has had an interest in orthopedics since Veterinary School. With thousands of orthopedic surgeries performed, we are experienced to guide you through the process for a good outcome. ACL tears can be repaired by TTA, TPLO, or the traditonal extra-capsular style. Ligament or tendon injuries can be medically treated or surgically repaired by, suture, fibertape, grafting, or STEM techniques. Fractures might be repaired by internal fixation like bone plates, pins, wires, or external fixation with an Ex-fix bar and pin type apparatus. Severe trauma victims or multiple injuries may be best treated in a referral institution that can handle the critical care needed for your pet. Orthopedic injuries can be handled by Dr. KAtie at your Vets office or one of our partner Vet clinics. Call for any information regarding your pets needs, or to schedule surgery. |